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Tuesday 24 February 2015

HSC 2015 grammar questions

Grammar Questions of HSSC Exam 2015

(5)Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.
(i)When I saw the prizes,I was stupefied.(Rewrite the sentence using 'No sooner ...... than)
(i)No sooner did I see the prizes than I was stupefied.

(ii)He was still lagging behind the expected standard of learning ,but it was okay.(Rewrite the sentence using 'Although')
(ii)Although he was still lagging behind the expected standard of learning , it was okay.
(iii )He started developing an all-round interest in craft and sports.(Rewrite the sentence using infinitive form of the word underlined.)
(iii )He started to develop an all-round interest in craft and sports.
B.Grammar :
Do as directed :
(I) One of _____ most common causes of malnutrition is ____ unhealthy lifestyle.(Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles )
(I) One of ___the __ most common causes of malnutrition is __an_ unhealthy lifestyle.

(ii )The police ______ Monday arrested five men _____cheating city businessmen.(Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.)
(ii )The police ___on ___ Monday arrested five men ___for __cheating city businessmen.

(iii )"How did you enjoy your college picnic ?said Mohini to Meena.
"It was wonderful. I can never forget it."(Change it into indirect speech.)
(iii )Mohini asked Meena how she had enjoyed her college picnic .Meena replied that it had been wonderful .
She added that she could never forget i
Que. 2A 5 Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :
(I) The duck was excellent in swimming.(Frame a Wh-type question to get the underlined part as an answer.)
(I) What was the duck excellent in?

(ii) The duck was better than his instructor.(Change the sentence into positive degree )
(ii) His instructor was not as good as the duck .
(iii) The squirrel was excellent in climbing.(Mention the function of the underlined gerund.)
(iii)The underlined word performs the function noun as it is an object of preposition 'in'.

Que. 3 A 5 Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :
(i ) The gobar gas obtained by by processing dung is used as fuel.(Rewrite the sentence beginning with 'People.....')
(i ) People use the gobar gas obtained by processing dung as fuel.
(ii )The consumption of milk in both urban and rural areas has risen sharply.(Rewrite the sentence using the past perfect tense)
(ii )The consumption of milk in both urban and rural areas had risen sharply.
(iii )The milk processing industry is small one.(Make it a complex sentence.)
(iii )The industry which processes milk is small one.

Set B

Que. 1 A 5 Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :
(i ) He sent a personalized letter offering each a free two-week subscription.
(Rewrite the sentence using the infinitive form of the word underlined.)
(i ) He sent a personalized letter to offer each couple a free two-week subscription.

(ii ) Seeing the hungry market,Dell placed local advertisement.(Make it a compound sentence .)
(ii ) Dell saw the hungry market and placed local advertisement.
(iii ) The improved models found eager buyers.(Change the sentence into present perfect tense.)
(iii ) The improved models have found eager buyers.
Set C

(5)Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.
(I) My little girl can get tasty fruits from some other garden too.(Rewrite the sentence using modal auxiliary expressing 'certainty'.)
I) My little girl will get tasty fruits from some other garden too.

(ii) I had picked some of the lovely tasty fruits.(Identify the tense in the sentence.)
(ii) Past Perfect Tense
(iii )It was a pleasure walking around there.(Rewrite the sentence using infinitive form of the word underlined.)
(iii )It was a pleasure to walk around there.
Set D
Que 1
(5)Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.
(I) Hundreds of these little birds would land on the paddy.(Rewrite the sentence using 'used to')
(I) Hundreds of these little birds used to land on the paddy.
(ii )My main hobby was to wander through paddy .(Rewrite the sentence using the gerund form of the word underlined. )
(ii )My main hobby was wandering through paddy .
(iii)When the paddy is ripe enough to harvest,flocks of parrots would land there.(Rewrite using 'No sooner .....than )
(iii)No sooner is the paddy ripe enough to harvest than flocks of parrots would land there.


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