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Sunday 22 April 2018

Interview : Sunita Williams

Imagine you are going to interview Sunita Williams. Frame 8 to 10 relevant questions regarding -

1. her early life, training
2. education
3. her actual flight into space
4. future plans
5. her message to viewers.
Interviewee - Sunita Williams
Interviewer - Secretary, Students Club
Topic - Space
Venue - Mahatma Gandhi Auditorium

We have the privilege to talk with renowned personality Sunita Williams. Welcome madam and thanks for obliging us to know about you.
( Here is a list of questions to be asked at the time of interview )
1. Madam, you have chosen the untrodden field. Were your ideas different right from the childhood ? How was your earlier life?
2. What kind of training have you undergone?
3. How did education help you in reaching your goal? Does it make life easier ?
4. What inspired you to fly high in the space ?
5. Will you please share memoris of your first flight in space ? Our audience are eager to hear.
6. Which special precautions does the astronaut need to take while traveling in space ?
7. How does the earth look from the space ?
8. If someone from audience wants to become astronaut, what should he do?
9. After setting a foot in the space, how do you feel?
10. Would you please share your future plans in life ?
11. What message would you give to the young and the old ?
Thanks for coming over here. Thanks again.


  1. Nice interview questions.Sir.You are doing a great job for us.

  2. Very apt and to the point questions. Nice selection,sir. Thanks.


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