Useful Posts

Thursday 17 January 2019

Inspiring Speech of Shekhar Deshmukh DYSP

Hon. Shekhar Deshmukh DYSP RAJURA addressed the students at NSS camp organised by Mahatma Gandhi Jr college Gadchandur at Lakhmapur. His speech was so inspiring and motivating that I noted down some bits of his speech. Here I would like share......

Leader is the one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way. Develop the personality at the early stage. Inculcate the habit of good manners. Students should participate in debate, elocution and essay contest. Soft skills development is necessary. It can be achieved with dedication. Don't dig the well when you are thirsty. Be ready for the future necessity. Marks are not important. Develop leadership. Read. Think. Opine. Read Krishnakath by Yashwatrao Chavahan. Students should develop positive attitude. Likewise Nepolean Bonapart they should create trust in themselves. Nepolean Bonapart formed his army picking up commen men. Seeing such average people ready with arms British army men boast of their rich heritage of army descending from their grandparents. To encourage his army Nepolean addressed, "They got the heritage. You have to create the heritage." Dedication in competive exams is key to success. Devote your time for study in such a way that you will not see the sun for some days. Make a habit of getting up before the sun rise, start studying up to the sun set. Be your own guide if you don't find the right path . Don't seek for guidance always. Because you may be the first one to walk on that path. Experience is the most expensive teacher. So learn from the mistakes made by others. We learn from the success stories as well as from the stories of failures. Don't underestimate yourself. Success doesn't know the difference between urban and rural, male and female, poor and rich, educated and uneducated family background. 


  1. Very effective speach given by DYSP.Student Must follow in their life.

  2. its very inspiring speech sir....

  3. Acted like a charger! Applicable to all of us.

  4. Keep it up, This gives me very useful information. Thanks for sharing this with us. Learning Has Changed

  5. Excellent examples of Napoleon connected with common man,it's a encouraging speech,word quality is too good moreover u have used apt words to bring out the content effectively.Excellent job sir.

  6. Motivating speech. Connection of Nepolean to common people ,his faith in them is very touching. It's encouraging for students to become IAS. Effectively you have penned down,which has brought the exact content . Good job sir.


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