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Sunday 4 August 2013

Activity Sheet STD XI English


                                        Class XI                    MARKS 80                                TIME 3 HRS.
SECTION A           
   (Reading skill, Grammar, Vocabulary, Note-making and Summary)
Q. 1. (A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities.    [12]
A1 Complete the following sentences
i) a popular tourist place in India.
ii) The Rann of Kutch is situated in ............
Since India is a country of extremes and opposites, it is no surprise that while western India is composed of a desert, north east India is a lush, tropical paradise. The dry TharDesert is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India thanks to its myriad attractions. From the glorious forts that are now heritage resorts and hotels, to the pageantry of a land that sparkles with the brightness of its colours against the sere desert, Rajasthan has long captured the imagination of most visitors. And then there is the captivating brilliance of Gujarat with its folk’s arts and traditions. It is also home to some truly spectacular landscape: the Rann of Kutch. While the western part of India displays its vibrancy of culture via colour, the north eastern states of India rival each other in verdant greenery. Dominated by tribes, the north east is virtual treasure chest, from the fables that link it to the most revered epics of Hinduism. The Ramayana and Mahabharata to the unique societal practices such as matrilineal society in Meghalaya, there is much to explore and discover.

A2 Match the pair.                                                                                                                           2
            A.                                          B
1. Rajasthan.                       Matrilineal society
2. Gujarat                            revered epic
3.Meghalaya                       sere desert
4. Mahabharata.                 folk arts

     A3  India is a country of extremes and opposites.  Explain                                       2    
    A 4    Choose the meanings given in the bracket for the following words            2

i) imagination  ii) attraction    iii) tradition iv) fables 
((old stories, customs, fascination , idea) 
     A5   Write a  part of the country you like most with two reasons.                                  2
    A 6  Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.                                                    i)    The south makes an equally strong claim.(Change the voice)              1                                           
    ii)   The dry Thardesert is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India.(Change the degree) 
(B)  Do  as directed           [3]
1) _______Yamuna is _____tributary of the Ganges.                                                 1                                                  
2) A duster is ---a table , and a ceiling fan is ---the table. (Rewrite using appropriate preposition)    1
3) The doctor said,” I have given an injection and it will make you sleep.”
(Change it into indirect speech)                                                      1
Q.2 (A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities.  [12]
A1 Complete the web
                      Kim Peek
               |                       |

The Oscar-winning role played by theDustin Hoffman in the 1988 film, about an Austin savant with astounding arithmetical skills is indeed based on Kim Peek(among others), although Kim is not aortic but developmentally disabled. Most savants possess remarkable expertise in up to three subjects. Kim is a mega –savant, because he is expert in at least 15 different subjects.No one in the world is thought to possess a brain as extraordinary as Kim Peek’s.NASA is hoping to use modern advances in brain imaging and data fusion techniques to shed light on how Kim’s brain ticks.
I ask Kim what he feels about it. “It’s the best way of all,” he replies enigmatically. Why does he think he knows so much? “I have great love for everybody I see.” He answers. It is hard to hold a conversation with Kim. His mind flits from one subject to the next with bewildering rapidity-with Fran always trying to steer Kim back on course.I tell them I grew up near a town called Cirencester. “It was a Roman Camp called Corin”, says Kim “Corinium,” I corrected him. Later I check and find that he is right: the Romans based the name corinium to the Celtic word Corin.
A2 Complete the statement
i) It is difficult to hold a conversation with Kim Peek because....... ..                               2
                                                                                    A3 State if the following statements are true or false                                                       2
    I) Dustin Hoffman played the role of Kim Peek.
   II) Kim is aortic.
Iii) Kim is expert in more than 15 languages 
Iv) Kom possess extraordinary brain 
 A4 Find the opposites of : 1. abled 2. ancient       3. easy  4. never                                         2

   A5 Disability has a different ability. Explain.                                                                       2
    A6  Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.
i)       It is hard to hold a conversation with Kim. (Make it negative)                        1
ii)  Kim is not autistic.(Rewrite into simple Past tense)                                              1
iii) NASA is hoping to use modern advances in brain imaging. 
                                   (Rewrite gerund form of the underlined).                               1
(B)  Note- making:  Compile the following information about the important sources of water to Mumbai under the headings given below the passage:                                             3
Mumbai receives most of its water from water stored in the Bhaisa Reservoir. This is picked up at Pise, 48 km downstream of the Bhatsa Dam and is pumped from there. It is treated partly at Panjarpur and partly at Bhandup before it is supplied. The total amount it provides is 235 mgd. From the lower Vaitarna, Mumbai receives 10mgd of water. This is brought by gravity from the Lower Vaitarna reservoir and treated at Bhandup before it is supplied. About 40mgd of water from the Upper Vaitarna reservoir is released to replenish the Lower Vaitarna reservoir for further transmission. From the Tansa reservoir about 90 mgd of water is brought by gravity and treated at Bhandup before being supplied.
Treated at


Lower Vaitarna


Que. 3(A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities.                (12)

A1 Enlist the factors that are responsible for the stress.                                              2        

Stress is the twentieth century illness. The pressures on all of us are very great because speed and competition have become part of everyday life. Social isolation, overcrowding, the competitiveness of our society and several other factors are responsible for stress. In English we refer to the competition as the rat –race. All of us react to the rat race in different ways. Some of us get tired easily others get depressed others are often irritable or worried and so on. The rat race affects everybody in society from toddlers to senior citizens. There is always something that worries us. Sometimes the stresses on us are too great we fall out of the race and have a nervous breakdown. Extreme cases of illness can lead to suicide. There is hope because only some people crack while most others do not.
A2 Choose the best suited alternatives  which state reaction of people towards stress.              2
1.People get tired 
2. People get motivated.
3. People commit suicide.
4. People commit mistakes.
A3 State  whether the following statements are true or false.                                                  2
1. Stress is a natural illness.
2. Stress is outcome of busy modern life.
3. Stress is madness.
4. Stress affected people can be brought to normal.
   A4      Find the words  which means 2
a)      Strongly watching to be more successful than others
b)      The fact of being alone or apart
   A5. Give your opinion about the following statement.
      The increased rate of suicides today is a direct consequence of stress.                      2
   A6.  Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.
i.   Extreme cases of illness can lead to suicide.
      (Replace the modal auxiliary with another showing possibility)      1                              
ii.    The pressures on all of us are very great. (Rewrite as exclamatory)       1                        
iii.  The rat race affects everybody in society. ( Rewrite as present perfect tense)                1
(B)    Write a summary of the above extract. Give it a suitable title.                                        3                                                                          

Que 4 (A) Read the following extract and,answer the questions given below it.                                                               [4]
And off you go, and you do not know
When that holiday will be,
When the room won’t be dumb and silent so,
And your daddy will be free.
Before in the half – open door you appear,
Your complaint flies on ahead;
“But daddy, you are only thinking there
And yet you were working, you said!”
A1 complete the statement:  The boy’s complaint is ...........        2                                                                                                            
A2  Father avoids children's queries. Do you agree?                            2                                                                                                                    
A3 Find example of personification and  write rhyming pairs from extract.     2                                                                                      
A4 Compose a poem on 'father'            2                                                                                                                                                                              
Section C : Rapid Reading

Q. 5 A) Read the following extract and do the that follow :
In the vestibule below was a letterbox into which no letter would go. and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring. Also appertaining there unto was a card bearing the name "Mr. James Dillingham Young".
The 'Dillingham' had been flung to the breeze during a former period prosperity when

its possessor was being paid $ SO per Now. when the income was shrunk to $ 20. the letters of 'Dillingham' looked blurred. as though they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was called •Jim' and greatly hugged by Mrs. James Dillingham Young. already introduced to you as Della which is all very good.
Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out duly at a grey cat walking a grey fence in a grey backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day. and she had only $ 1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result Twenty dollars a week doesn't go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling -something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honour of being owned by Jim.

I) Write  whether the following statements are True or False :                                                  2
1) Della was saving money to buy herself a Christmas present,
2) The extract shows that Della loves Jim.
  3)Della could not save much because expenses had been lesser than she ha' calculated.
3) Della cried because she had to attend to her cheeks with a powder raw
 Il)Read the following extract and rewrite as if the character Della  is narrating it.                  2
Que. 5 B  Read the following extract and do the that follow :                                      (4)
But before saying anything further about his progress, it would be useful to go back to an earlier chapter in his history. After war service in 1914-18, he came to be recommended for a gatekeeper’s post at Engladia’s. He liked the job very much. He was given a khaki uniform, a resplendent band across his shoulder and a short stick. He gripped the stick and sat down on a stool at the entrance to the office. And when his chief’s car pulled up at the gate he stood at attention and gave a military salute.  The office consisted of a staff numbering over a hundred, and as they trooped in and out every day he kept an eye on them. At the end of the day he awaited footsteps of the General Manager coming down the stairs and rose stiffly and stood at attention, and after he left, the hundreds of staff poured out. The doors were shut; Singh carried his stool in, placed it under the staircase and placed his stick across it. Then he came out and main door was locked and sealed. In this way he had his stick twenty-five years of service, and then he begged to be pensioned off.
i. Describe the character of Mr. Singh.                                                                                                    2
ii. Extend the extract by adding a paragraph of your own about Singh’s life after pension/retirement  2
Section D Writing skill
Que. 6(A)Letter Writing (Any One)                                                                                              4
Write a letter to your principal to issue leaving certificate for further study. 
Write a letter to the chief Officer of the Municipal Corporation of your city complaining about the irregular supply of water in your locality.
B. Prepare a tourist leaflet on a hill station of your choice with the help of following points.         4
i. How to go        ii. Accommodation available        iii. What to see  iv. Shopping Attraction v. Add your own points.
Write a report about parent teachers meeting held in your Junior college
C.    Write any one of the following items :
1. Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the counter-view section on the following topic in about 120 words.                                                                                4

Ambition breeds ruin 

1)Ambition gives rise to jealousy, greed, hatred.
 2)Ambition overrides humane feelings-success at whatever cost.  
 3)Ambition has no room for family, service for others, charity, love, compassion.
 4)Ambition brings with it loss of peace, restfulness and contentment.
 2.Study the following tree diagram and and write a paragraph based on it.           4

Que. 7 Interview/Speech
A. Prepare a set of questions to conduct an interview of your college topper    4
B. Prepare a speech to be delivered in your class about the importance of blood donation.                                                             3


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