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Saturday 3 August 2013

Rhetorical Questions

Read the following questions and pick out the rhetorical questions and make statements of them.

Rhetorical Questions are different from interrogative sentences. Interrogative sentences require answers whereas rhetorical questions need no answer. Rhetorical questions are to be taken in opposite sense.

  1. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradiction?
  2. How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life?
  3. What does fraternity mean?
  4. How can people divided into several thousands of castes be a nation?

  5. Is it wrong to love animal and plant?
  6. Won’t our cricketers come back as winners?
  7. Corruption is getting rooted in social life. Is it fair?
  8. Why do students bunk classes?
  9. Excessive violence is being shown in modern cinema. When will the government take notice of it?
  10. What challenges did the mountaineers face?
  11. Aren’t children wiser than men?


  1. No longer we shall continue to live this life of contradiction.
  2. No longer we shall continue to deny equality in our social and economic life.
  3. What does fraternity mean?(It needs answer. So it is interrogative sentence.
  4. People divided into several thousands of castes can not be a nation?
  5. It is not wrong to love animal and plant.
  6. Our cricketers will come back as winners.
  7. Corruption is getting rooted in social life. It is not fair.
  8. Students should not bunk classes.
  9. Excessive violence is being shown in modern cinema. The government will never take notice of it.

  10. What challenges did the mountaineers face? Interrogative ( wh-question)

  11. Children are wiser than men.

अलंकारीक प्रश्ना चे उत्तर नसते तर तो प्रश्न हा विधानच असतो. हे प्रश्न युक्तिवाद करताना वापरतात. विधानाचे रुपांतर अलंकारीक प्रश्नात करतांना सहयकारि क्रियापद प्रथम वापरावे नंतर कर्ता वापरावा विधान नकारात्मक असल्यास प्रश्न होकारात्मक करावा व विधान होकारात्मक असल्यास प्रश्न नकारात्मक करावा शेवटी प्रश्नार्थक चिन्ह द्यावे. अलंकारीक प्रश्नाचे विधानात रुपांतर करतांना या उलट प्रक्रिया करावी.

Assertive sentence begins with subject /doer of the action followed by helping verb/main verb .
If the rhetorical question is negative ,assertive sentence should be affirmative (remove negative word such as - not . no , never .nothing .nobody. no one etc )

If the rhetorical question is affirmative ,assertive sentence should be negative. (add negative word such as - not . no , never .nothing .nobody. no one etc )
Put the remaining words and replace question mark with full stop .

Rewrite as rhetorical questions.
1. We love our motherland.
Ans: Do we not love our motherland?
2. There is no room for secrecy under Bapuji's leadership.
Ans: Is there any room for secrecy under Bapuji's leadership?
3. Everyone knows Sachin Tendulkar.
Ans: Who doesn't know Sachin Tendulkar?
4. No one has seen the wind.
Ans: Who has seen the wind?
5. A letter can not contain all this.
Ans: Can a letter contain all this?
How can a letter contain all this?



  1. very very useful resource material.Thank you.

  2. Nicely explained the difference along with its examples as usual.

  3. Sir,This is very useful for me.
    Thank you

  4. They have never seen a sunrise or met the milkman.
    Please answer

  5. Each morning puts a man on trial.(change it into a rhetorical question.)

  6. It was a major Moral booster. (Transform the sentence into rhetorical question)

  7. It was a major Moral booster. (Transform the sentence into rhetorical question)

  8. You wrote this article very well. Very knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing this article

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  9. disability is a state of mind (change to rhetorical question)


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