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Tuesday 12 February 2019

Grammar July 2018 Exam

1. Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed.
A. They miss trains on regular basis. (Rewrite the sentence using the adverb form of 'regular'. )
They miss trains regularly .
They regularly miss trains.
B. She felt terrible about this tendency. (Make it a rhetorical question)
Didn't she feel terrible about this tendency?
C. Early risers have an edge in life. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with 'Those who,.......)
Those who, rise early have an edge in life.
D. We have to learn........ lot from........... autobiographies of great personalities. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. )
a, the
E. In fact every experience............ an international character gives us an opportunity......... develop.(Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition.)
of, to
F. Macbeth invited Banquo for dinner and said, "Don't fail our feast."
Banquo answered, "I will not."(Rewrite as indirect speech.)
Macbeth invited Banquo for dinner and requested not to fail their feast. Banquo answered that he would not fail.
G. Maharashtrians depends on India. (Rewrite the sentence using the 'Simple Future Tense.)
Maharashtrians will depend on India.
H. I stand here to thank Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. (Rewrite the sentence using the gerund form of underlined word. )
I stand here for thanking Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
I. We Maharashtrians love him, worship him. (Rewrite it using 'not only..... but also......)
We Maharashtrians not only love him but also worship him.
J. The power of concentration can be cultivated. (Rewrite it using the modal Auxiliary showing 'certainty.')
The power of concentration will be cultivated.
K. Do not miss a single day. (Rewrite it beginning with 'Let......)
Let not a single day be missed. Or Let a single day not be missed.
L. When we are interested in the work we are doing, attention follows automatically. (Rewrite the sentence using 'If....... not......')
If we are not interested in the work we are doing, attention will not follow automatically


  1. hello....
    sir help me to solve following Que thous are from last year nda and na GAT paper.
    1. The discussion was wound up after a
    long and fruitful exchange of views.
    A. Postponed
    B. Cut short
    C. interrupted
    D. concluded
    2. He was fully alive to the need for
    making adjustments.
    A. concerned about
    B. worried about
    C. aware of
    D. indifferent about
    3. The police officer tried to intimidate
    the witness but in vain.
    A. inform
    B. reward
    C. frighten
    D. persuade
    4. We must adopt drastic measures to
    control population growth.
    A. simple
    B. dramatic
    C. realistic
    D. severe
    5. He is extremely meticulous in his
    A. simple
    B. careful
    C. fair
    D. reasonable
    6. The experts’ minute examination brought
    to light some important clues.
    A. quick B. detailed
    C. superficial D. prolonged
    7. The decision of the Union Government to
    repeal the Urban Land Ceiling Act has been
    welcome by all.
    A. suppress B. amend
    C. cancel D. withhold
    8. This is his maiden appearance on the
    A. first B. last
    C. girlish D. shy
    9. At the end of the marathon everybody was
    A. weakened B. honored
    C. satisfied D. tired

  2. Very important this block, need the every student..

  3. Keep it up, This gives me very useful information. Thanks for sharing this with us. Learning Has Changed


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