Thursday 4 February 2016

Spell it

Incorrect                                Correct
 Incorrect         Correct
acessories                        accessories
 accidently              accidentally
 acommodate                accommodate
 acustum                 accustom
 addresed                      addressed
adjustement            adjustment
adviseable                   advisable
 allready                     already
alright                         all right
assurence                  assurance
 athorize                   authorize
 balence                     balance
belive                      believe
 benefical                beneficial
benifitted                  benefited
 bookkeeper            bookkeeper
 buoro                      bureau
Calander                   calendar
Changable            changeable
Chargable               chargeable
Cliant                        client
Colum                        column
Comission                commission
Comit                       commit
Committe                   committee
Comidity                    commodity
Comparitive                comparative
Consede                    concede
Conferense                  conference
Concientious         conscientious
Courtous                      courteous
Criticize                      criticise
Dicision                          decision
Deferred                    deferred
Defcit                             deficit
Depreciation            depreciation
Descreption                   description
Desireable               desirable
Devlopment                   development
Discrepansy           discrepancy
Distributer                      distributor
Elgible                        eligible
Embrassment                 embarrassment
Enforcable           enforceable
Equiped                           equipped
Equivelant            equivalent
Exegerate                        exaggerate
Exceed                       exceed
exchangable                     exchangeable
exhorbitant              exorbitant
exort                                 exhort
extention                   extension
feesble                             feasible
financeer                   financier


Sunday 17 January 2016

How to write english exams ?

 English is one of the most difficult   subjects for students in Std X and XII. HSC board exams kick off on February 18 with this 'killer subject', but with a systematic approach to solving the paper students can expect to do fairly well.
Here are certain points students should remember to ensure that they get the maximum marks.
Tackle questions in the order they appear as the simpler ones are usually listed first. This way you do not waste time scanning for 'easy' questions.
The summary section is of four marks of which one mark is given just for writing a title. Putting any simple title will get you full marks there.
For the remaining three marks in the summary section ensure that you do not copy blatantly from the matter given, use your own words.
In the comprehension section write only one sentence for one mark questions. Writing more won't fetch you extra marks and will instead waste your time.
While solving the 'Tree-Diagram' section, use only pencil to draw branches. Inside the box you can write with pen, but only in capital letters.
In the 'Tourist Leaflet' section remember to draw a text box first and write only within that. You will be marked for creating text box. Within the text box write only in bullet points.
While beautiful handwriting enhances presentation remember that speed is of importance. It is a lengthy paper and legible handwriting is all that moderators are looking for .

Thursday 31 December 2015

Activities On Concrete Jungle

We used to think seven generations ahead
Now we are become selfish
Only thinking about me, myself and I
Only thinking in the present, not learning from the past.
We used to stroll barefoot through the overgrown grass,
Its morning dew tickling our feet
Now we step outside onto the rugged concrete
No more natural than the over processed food we eat
We used to walk down the snow sprinkled trail,
Maybe catch a glimpse of a bobcat, playing eye tricks with its tail
Now there is only one type of bobcat we see
The one that is fur free, clearing the pavement of all debris
We used to walk through a footpath in a forest of pine
The smell intoxicating our lungs and mind
Now the only smell to be found comes from plastic trees
Swaying on my rear-view mirror, labelled pine breeze
We used to watch the valley play hide and seek
Shadowed by the mountain's immeasurable peak
Considered the largest thing known to man
Now skyscrapers are the most extravagant and titanic part of the plan
We used to sit next to the stream, the wind caressing our crown
Watching the magnificent untamed beasts roam far, far from town
Now they are just characters of folktales, memories we pass down
An adjective to describe someone, no more a noun
This could be our reality
If we continue to live in impracticality
No more vast, endless oceans-
Only littered swamps, the colour of a witch's potions.
No more soaring birds overhead-
Only planes, so loud they rock your bed.
No more woods
No more natural goods
We have little time
To change our self centered, one track minds
Before we are stuck with a great heap of jumble
Left only with an artificial concrete jungle.

A1  Complete the statements : 
1. We would  think.......................... in past.
2  You think about ................nowadays.
A2 Differntiate poet's thinking about the past and present.
A3 Compare the past and the present lifestyle.
A4 Enlist the types of food we eat.
A5 Say whether the following sentences are true or false.

a) We would catch a glimpse of bobcat.
b) The smell in cities intoxicates our lungs and mind.
c) The valley plays hide and seek.
d) The mountain's immeasurable peak is the second largest thing known to man.
A6 Narrate the experience of poet walking through the jungle.
A7 "Its morning dew tickling our feet" Name and Explain the figures of speech.

Pick out an example of alliteration.
A8 "The one that is fur free"Name and Explain the figures of speech.

Pick out an example of personification
A9 Suggest solutions to avoid embarrassing condition of environment.
À10. Enlist the problems referred to in the extract.
A11 State the would be reality of nature  if we continue impractically.
A12 Compose four lines telling importance of jungle.
A13 Arrange these lines as abab rhyme scheme. 
No more vast, endless oceans-
Only littered swamps, the colour of a witch's potions.
No more soaring birds overhead-
Only planes, so loud they rock your bed.

Sunday 27 December 2015

Std XII English : Activity Sheet

Section A - Prose

(Reading skill, Grammar, Note-making and Summary)

Q 1 (A) Do the activity , read the following extract and do all the activities given below: (12M) (Each activity carries 2 marks)

Fill in the blanks
a) Michael's father was ......... by profession.Orthodontist. Write complete sentence.
b) His mother was ............ by profession. Stockbroker
Growing up in Houston, Texas, Michael and his two brothers were imbued by their parents, Alexander and Lorraine – he an orthodontist, she s stockbroker – with the desire to learn and the drive to work hard. Even so, stories about the middle boy began to be told early. Like the time a saleswoman came asking to speak to “Mr. Michael Dell” about his getting a high school equivalency diploma. Moments later, eight-year-old Michael was explaining that he thought it might be a good idea to get high school out of the way. A few years later Michael had another good idea, to trade stamps by advertising in stamp magazines.
With the $2000 he made, he bought his first personal computer. Then he took it apart to figure out how it worked. In high school Michael had a job selling newspaper subscriptions. Newlyweds, he figured, were the best prospects, so he hired friends to copy the names and addresses of recent recipients of marriage licenses. These he entered into his computer, then sent a personalized letter offering each couple a free two-week subscription. This time Dell made $ 18,000 and bought an expensive BMW car. The car salesman was flabbergasted when the 17-year-old paid cash.

A2. Narrate Michael's trading.
ANS:Michael in his early age started trading stamps by advertising in stamp magazines. In high school days he used to sell newspaper.
A3. Arrange jumbled sentences in order of the occurrence in the extract.
a) Michael bought an expensive car.
b) He bought his first personal computer.
c) He earned $2000 by advertising in stamp magazine.
d) He made $ 18,000 by selling newspapers.
ANS: cbda (Students should write/copy complete sentences as answers)
A4. Find out the words from the extract which mean:
(i) Filled with a quality - imbued (ii) understand - figure out
A5. Put your views about Dell's idea of earning while learning.
(Students are expected to express their views. so answers may be varied students to students.)
(5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed:
(i) If you think you have a good idea, try it. (Use ‘Unless)
Ans: Unless you think you have a good idea, don't try it.
(ii) This time Dell made $ 18,000 and bought an expensive BMW car. (Rewrite it as simple sentence.)
This time making $ 18,000 Dell bought an expensive BMW car.

(B) Grammar (Do as directed):

(i) My friend is..... able translator and.......impartial editor as well.(Rewrite it using appropriate article) an,an Write complete sentence.
(ii) I regular walk through the forest ..........9 a.m. (Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.)on,at(Write complete sentence.
(iii) I whispered to him hesitantly, “Could you stay here for a day?” Gandhiji said, “It is very difficult.” (Change it into indirect speech.)
Ans:I asked him hesitantly if he could stay there for a day. Gandhiji replied that it was very difficult.

Q.2 (A) Read the following extract and answer the question given blow: (12M) (Each activity carries 2 marks)
A1 Complete the statements:
a) The narrator left India in 1975 because ........ he went to the US for graduate studies.
b) You might languish in a long waiting list and never receive a telephone connection because..........having telephone was a rare privilege

When I left India in 1975 to go the US for graduate studies, we had perhaps 600 million residents in the country and just two million land-line telephones. Having a telephone was a rare privilege; if you weren’t an important government official, or a doctor, or a journalist, you might languish in a long waiting list and never receive a phone. Telephones were such a rarity (after all, 90% of the population had no access to a telephone line) that elected members of Parliament had amongst their privileges the right to allocate 15 telephone connections to whomever they deemed worthy. And if you did have a phone, it wasn’t necessarily a blessing. I spent my high school years in Calcutta, and I remember that if you picked up your phone, you had no guarantee you would reach the number you had dialed. Sometimes you were connected to someone else’s ongoing conversation, and they had no idea you were able to hear them; there was even a technical term for it, the ‘cross-connection’
(appropriately, since these were connections that made us very cross. If you wanted to call another city, say Delhi, you had to book a ‘trunk call’ in the morning and then sit by the telephone all day waiting for it to come through; or you could pay eight times the going rate for a ‘lighting call’- but even lighting struck slowly in India in those days, so it only took half an hour instead of the usual three or four or
more to be connected.

A2 Enlist the special rights elected members of parliament used to have .
Ans: Elected members of Parliament had amongst their privileges the right to allocate 15 telephone connections to whomever they deemed worthy.
A3 Differentiate between a ‘trunk call’ and a ‘lighting call’.
Ans : A trunk call was system to call another city.One had to book a call in the morning and wait for three / four hours to get in touch. Lightening call was a similar system in which one could call within half an hour.
A4 Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Privilege (a) means to reach or get
(ii) Access (b) remedy
(c) special right
Ans: i)-c; ii)-a
A5 The cell phone has made us global. Explain.
(Personal Response)
(5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed:

(i) You could pay eight times the going rate for a ‘lighting call’. (Rewrite it using model auxiliary showing compulsion.)
Ans:You must pay eight times the going rate for a ‘lighting call’.
(ii) I spent my high school years in Calcutta. (Rewrite it using Past perfect Tense)

Ans:I had spent my high school years in Calcutta.
(B) Note-making: (3M)

Read the following extract carefully and make the notes with the help of the clues given below:
Naturally occurring platinum and platinum-rich alloys have been known for a long time. The Spaniards named the metal ‘platina’ or little silver, when they first encountered it in Colombia. The platinum group metals are rhodium, ruthenium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum. Of these, platinum is the most important. These metals are very similar in many ways and are extremely rare. On an average, there is only a gramme of ruthenium in each tone of rock and barely a gramme of rhodium in over a 1000 tonnes of rocks! Platinum’s wear and tarnish resistance characteristics are well suited for making fine jewelry. Other distinctive properties include-resistance to chemical attack,
excellent high temperature characteristic and stable electrical properties. These metals are uniquely durable and can be used extremely efficiently- meaning that a very little goes a very long way. When recycled, over 96 percent can be recovered. The platinum group metals- or PGMS – plays an important role in our everyday life, for they are used in so many things from foundation pens to aircraft turbine. In facts, one in four of the goods manufactured today either contain one or the other of these metals. The catalytic converter – a pollution control device – is the largest application of platinum group metals.
Platinum Group of Metals
* First encountered *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
* Platinum group metals include
*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iridium and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
* Nature
* Similar in many ways, extremely rare.
* Availability
*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

barely a gramme of rhodium_ _ _ _ _ .
* Distinctive properties
*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

* resistance to chemical attack

* durable, long-lasting
* Platinum groups
*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
metals used in:
*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Platinum Group of Metals
* First encountered *in Colombia.
* Platinum group metals include
*rhodium, ruthenium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum.
* Nature
* Similar in many ways, extremely rare.
* Availability
*only a gramme of ruthenium in each tone of rock and barely a gramme of rhodium in over a 1000 tonnes of rocks.
* Distinctive properties
*Platinum’s wear and tarnish resistance
*high temperature characteristic
* resistance to chemical attack

* durable, long-lasting
* Platinum groups
*high temperature characteristic
metals used in:
*pens to aircraft turbine
Q.3 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below: (12M) (Each activity carries 2 marks)
A3 Say whether the following statements are true or false.
a) Many of our young people spend more time in their classroom than before TV sets.
b) Teenagers are considerably influenced by the electronic media.
c) The television has become the single most powerful influence in their lives.
d) There are many advantages of T. V.
Ans : a)False b)True c) True d)True. Students should write given statements also.
We often hear this statement that’ many of our young people spend more time before their TV sets, than they do in their classrooms or with their textbooks. : A bit exaggerated though it may sound, it is nearly true and our teenagers are being considerably influenced by the electronic media, particularly the TV. The television has become the single most powerful influence in the lives of many of our youngsters today. Too often this happens to us much before we realize it ourselves. I am in no way trying to deny the many advantages of TV, or minimize its manifold contributions to our world. On the other hand, I consider, TV as one of the greatest scientific achievements of our times,bringing people closer than ever before. Television’s use of the modern satellite technology brings today even the remotest regions of the world to us in seconds, making the world a small (global) village. As we know, television also provides us with a fuller and more impressive coverage of current events than any other media. The TV does serve, in addition, as a medium of education as well as entertainment. Besides helping us to learn subjects taught in school, college in greater depth, it enables us (National Geographic, Discovery channel etc.) to see and appreciate from close quarters (without having to go there, which is very expensive or even impossible for most of us) the wonders of God’s creation in any part of the world.

A2. Write at least two advantages of TV from the passage.
Ans: Television brings even the remotest regions of the world together, making the world a small (global) village. Television also provides us with a fuller and more impressive coverage of current events than any other media. The TV does serve, in addition, as a medium of education as well as entertainment.
A3. The TV does serve in addition to education and entertainment. Opine.
Ans: TV helps us to learn subjects taught in school, college in greater depth. It enables us (National Geographic, Discovery channel etc.) to see and appreciate from close quarters the wonders of God’s creation in any part of the world.

A4. Find out the synonyms of the following words from the extract:
(i) refuse - deny(ii) an activity designed to give pleasure - entertainment (iii) costly - expensive (iv) surprise -wonders

A5. Do you agree with the statement that many of our young people spend more time with their TV
set? Justify your answer.

A6. Rewrite the following sentence in the ways instructed:

(i) Our young people spend more time before their TV set than in their classrooms.
(Rewrite it using positive degree)
Ans : Our young people do not spend as much time in their classroom as they do before TV sets.
(ii) The TV does serve as a medium of education as well as an entertainment.
(Rewrite it using ‘not only……but also’)
Ans : The TV does serve not only as a medium of education but also as an entertainment.

(B) Summary: (M3)
Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help of the given clues and suggest a suitable title. Clues: TV – misunderstanding – influence on youngsters – advantages – other benefits.

SECTION– B (Poetry)

Q.4 (A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below: (8M)

All drawn pass
leaving them in the dark.
They do not fear death,
they died long ago.
Old women once
were continents.
They had deep woods in them,
lakes, mountains, volcanoes ,
even raging gulfs.
When the earth was in heat
they melted, shrank,
leaving only their maps.
You can fold them
and keep them handy:
who knows, they might help you find
your way home.
A1 Complete the web :
Old women
|_______|____________| |
| | |
Ans: continents , woods, lakes,volcanoes
A2 Point out the examples of geographical imagery mentioned in the extract.
Ans:They had deep woods in them,
lakes, mountains, volcanoes ,
even raging gulfs.

A3 “All dawns pass leaving them in dark.” Identify The figure of speech.
Ans: Antithesis : 'dawns' and 'dark' opposite ideas are used for poetic effect.
A4 Describe your grandmother in poetic manner.
SECTION – C (Rapid Reading and Composition)

Q.5 (A) Read the following extract carefully and complete the activities :
I was walking around the camp, around the barracks, near the barbed wire fence where the guards could not easily see. I was alone.
On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light, almost luminous curls. She was half- hidden behind a birch tree. I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly in German, “Do you have something to eat?” She didn’t understand. I inched closer to the fence and repeated the question in Polish. She stepped forward. I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around my feet, but the girl looked unafraid. In her eyes I saw life. She pulled an apple from her woolen jacket and threw it over fence. I grabbed the fruit and, as I started to run away, I heard her say faintly, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I returned to the same spot by the fence at the same time every day. She was always there with something for me to eat – a hunk of bread or better yet, an apple. We didn’t dare speak or linger. To be caught would mean death for us, both. I didn’t know anything about her. Just a kind farm girl, except that she understand Polish.
What was her name? Why was she risking her life for me?
A1. Describe the characters that appear in the extract.
Ans : The narrator and a girl are two characters in the story extract.The narrator is thin and gaunt with rags wrapped around his feet. The girl was little with luminous curls.
Add an imaginary extract after the extract.
(B) Read the following extract carefully and complete the activities: (4M)

George : (contemptuously) I wasn’t afraid of the bulldog.

Tom : No, may be you weren’t; but I’m not sure that the savage beast hasn’t torn
off a bit of young Alfie’s suit, and if he has there won’t half be a row!
(Alfie fidgets nervously at the mention of his damaged suit)

Tom : (down R.C.) How much money have we collected?

Ginger : (crossing C. to George) let’s have a look under the light.
(after counting coppers, with the aid of George’s torch) Eight pence half penny.

Tom : (in a tone of disgust) only eight pence half penny – between four of us – after yelling
our heads off all the evening! Crikey! Money’s a bit tight round these parts, isn’t it?

George : I told you it was too early for carol-singing. It’s too soon after Guy Fawke’s day.

(Faint distant scream off R.)

Tom : (startled) What was that?

George : What was what?

Tom : That noise – it sounded like a scream.

George : Nonsense.

Alfie : (L) Let’s go home.

George : You chaps do get scared easily. It wouldn’t do for you to be in the club that Bert
Williams and I are running. We go out looking for adventures like this.

Ginger : Club? I thought it was a gang.

George : Gangs are getting too common. We have tuned ours into a club – “The Do and Dare Club” we call it and no one in it must ever show a sign of fear.

Tom : I shouldn’t think you’d have many members. Why, everybody’s afraid of something – if
it’s not one thing, it’s bounded to be another.

George : (in a very superior tone) Ours isn’t a club for kids; it’s for daring young fellows keen on
A1 Throw light on the language used in the extract.
Ans : The language used here in the extract is simple and appropriate to situation.Language used here is befitting the age of the characters.
A2 Convert the extract into a short continuous write-up in about 120 words.
You may begin with:”George wasn’t afraid of the bull-dog….”

SECTION – D (Writing Skills)

Q.6 (A) Letter Writing:

Write any ONE of the following letters:
(1) Write an application in response to the advertisement using information given in the CV


Smart, young Computer Operators / cum Data Entry Operators having good
Knowledge of English and Marathi.
Write to:

The manager,
Vision Infotech, D.N. Road,
Dhantoli, Nagpur.
Name : Saurabh Akolkar
Address : 25, Parth Society, M. G. Road, Aurangabad – 431001
Age : 24 years
Nationality : Indian
Experience: Working as a Computer Operator at ‘Wonder Travels,’ Mumbai.
Academic Achievements:
Sr.           Exams. Passed         University/ Boards       Years of Passing                Percentage

1.                  B.Com                            Mumbai                    March-2010                          64%

2.                  MSCIT                           MKCL                                  2011                          82%

3.      Diploma in Information             MKCL                                  2012                          90%


(2) Write a letter to the manager of your local bus depot pointing out that there are very few buses on your route in the morning and these are invariably late, thereby causing inconvenience to many junior college students and other passengers. Request him to solve the problem.

(B) Write on any ONE of the following items as directed:

(1) Write a short tourist leaflet on any hill station you know with the help of the following points:

(i) How to reach there?
(ii) Where to stay?
(iii) What to see?
(iv) Shopping attractions.
(v) Add your own points.

(2) Read the following intro and write a headline, a date-line and a short continuing paragraph
(Any one)

(i) Intro
A Medical check-up camp has been organised at local Shri Lami Narayan Vidyalaya under Joint auspices of Ashish Homeo-clinic and District General Hospital on December 27.
(ii) Intro
Dozens of people were feared dead in Myanmar after a landslide hit a jade mining region.
(C) Write on any ONE of the items as directed:

(1) View – Counter –view

Prepare a paragraph to be used for the Counter –View Section on the following topic (about 120

‘Study says homework does not help students score better grades.’

View Section

Homework: Still a key part of Education

(i) It helps students to get better standardized test scores.

(ii) It engages the child with his study more effectively.

(iii) Integrates the child with what is going on in the classroom.

(iv) Homework inculcates student with life skills.
2. Observe the diagram and prepare a paragraph.

Q.7 (A) Framing Interview Questions:

Imagine you are going to interview some important personality. prepare a set of 8-10 questions/ focusing on his/ her social behavior and the activities he/she carries out.

(B) Speech Writing: (3M)
Write a short speech to be delivered in your college on Tree Plantation on the occasion of ‘The World Earth Day.’ with the help of the following points (about 100 words):
(1) Air, water and noise pollution.

(2) Depletion of natural resources.

(3) Trees prevent soil erosion

(4) Live in harmony with nature.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Rapid Reading and Composition

इयत्ता ११  व १२ English -(MS - BOARD ) च्या प्रश्नपत्रिकेत Section - C (Rapid Reading and Composition) या विभागामध्ये साधारणता चार प्रकारचे प्रश्न विचारले जातात. ते पुढीलप्रमाणे

1 . Imagine that you are "--------" Or Rewrite the extract as if "----" are narrating it.

त्या कहाणीतील पात्राच्या जागेवर आपण स्वतः आहो असे समजून त्या उतार्याचे Composition करावे . या साठी त्या उताऱ्यात असणाऱ्या प्रथम पुरुषी सर्वनामाचे (I , me, my  ) चे रुपांतर तृतीय पुरुषी सर्वनामामध्ये (क्रमशा he/she , him/her/ ,his/her) करावे . तसेच तृतीय पुरुषी सर्वनामाचे रुपांतर प्रथम पुरुषी सर्वनामामध्ये करावे . उताऱ्यातील वाक्ये जशीच्या तशी न वापरता साध्या सोप्या स्व भाषेत (इंग्लिश) मध्येच लिहावे .मुळ उतार्याच्या 60% ते 70 % Composition असावे .
Example: 1 Imagine that you are one of Herman's brother and rewrite the extract as if Herman's brother is narrating it. 2 Marks

An extract from 'The Girl With An Apple' " It was the last I ever saw of her.
My brothers and I were transported in a cattle car to Germany.
We arrived at the Buchenwald concentration camp one night weeks later and were led into a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued uniforms and identification numbers.
“Don't call me Herman anymore.” I said to my brother. “Call me 94983.”
I was put to work in the camp’s crematorium, loading the dead into a hand-cranked elevator.
I, too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.
Soon my brothers and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald's sub-camps near Berlin.
One morning I thought I heard my mother’s voice.
“Son,” she said softly but clearly, “I am going to send you an angel.”
Then I woke up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream.
But in this place there could be no angels. There was only work. And hunger. And fear.
A couple of days later, I was walking around the camp, around the barracks, near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily see. I was alone.
On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light, almost luminous curls. She was half hidden behind a birch tree.
I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly in German. “Do you have something to eat?”
She didn’t understand.

We were transported in a cattle car to Germany.We reached concentration camp a week later. The next day My brother Herman and all other inmates were issued uniforms and identification numbers. Herman warned me not to call him Herman any more. He suggested to call him with 94983 the number which was then his identity in the camp. Herman was put to work in the crematorium . He had to load the dead into a hand-cranked elevator. It grieved him but he became hardened. Soon we were sent to Schlieben near Berlin. Herman told me that in his dream he heard mother's voice telling about sending an angel. We didn't believe about this dream coming true in such a place.But a couple of days later Herman met with a girl who didn't understand German.( Later this girl turned into an angel for Herman.)

2. Convert the above extract into a short continuous write-up in about 120 words.

हा प्रश्न Rapid Reading Section मधील One Act Play ला भार मिळावा म्हणूनच समावेशीत करण्यात आला असावा. Dialogue Writing चा counterpart म्हणूनही ह्या प्रश्नाला महत्व आहे . ह्या प्रश्नाचे composition करायचे म्हणजे त्या उतार्यातील व्यक्तींमध्ये झालेला संवाद वर्णनात्मक पद्धतीत मांडावा लागतो . write up सुरु करतांना Begin with .... अशी सूचना दिली असल्यास त्याचा उपयोग करून पुढे सुरुवात करावी . दिलेल्या उताऱ्यातील  कंसा मधील directions  योग्य तो उपयोग करावा. Reporting verbs(pointed out, suggested, requested, called upon, shouted, advised, addressed, informed etc) चा योग्य उपयोग करून direct conversation चे indirect speech करून घ्यावे . सगळेच वाक्य /शब्द composition मध्ये वापरण्याची आवशकता नाही. यात Paraphrase करणे अपेक्षित आहे

Example :Convert the above extract into a short continuous write-up in about 120 words. 2 Marks

Extract from R.R 5 NO FEAR pg 189
Tom : (off L.) I say, we’re getting soaked to the skin. We’d better stand in
this doorway out of the rain.
George : (off L.) What’s up? Are you kids afraid of a drop of rain?
Tom : (off L.) I’m not, but young Alfie’s got his best suit on, and if he gets it wet
there'll be a row when we get home. Here, Alfie – get in the doorway. Hello,
I say. The door’s unfastened !
(Enter Tom and Alfie L. Their collars are turned up, and they appear wet
and cold. )
Tom : (glancing about ) Coo ! This is a rum-looking place.
Akfue : (in doorway) You’re not going in, are you ?
Tom : (taking a few cautious steps). I don’t see why not. There’s no one to stop us.
(Calling off L.) Come on, George! Come on, Ginger! Come in here, out of the
Ginger : (entering L. with George). Suppose we get “run in” for housebreaking?
George : (coming down L. C. and speaking with a very superior air ). Don’t talk
rot, Ginger. We’ve not broken in. The door was unlocked, wasn’t it ?
Tom : (down L.) I shouldn’t think anybody’d mind us taking shelter from a storm
like this. It’s raining cats and elephants.
George : (to Ginger). Just the sort of night you would pick for carol-singing.
Ginger : (L.). Have you got your torch George? It’s that dark I can’t see where
I’m going.
(George flashes a pocket torch. The boys look about them but not so far up
stage as to notice the white models, nor do they see the skull, towards which
their backs are turned.)
Tom suggested that as the kids were getting soaked to the skin , they should stand in that doorway. To that George teased if all those kids were afraid of  rain. Tom asserted that he was not afraid but he suggested to get out of the rain because of Alfie's new suit. If Alfie's suit got wet there would be row on reaching home. So he asked Alfie to get in the doorway. He found the door unfastened. Tom glanced about in the house and expressed that the place was rum-looking one. Alfie warned not to go in. Tom didn't heed to his warning . He took few cautious steps. He felt that there was nobody to stop them. He called upon to George and Ginger to come inside the house to get rid of rain. Getting in Ginger expressed his fear of getting caught for housebreaking. George asked him not to talk like that. They have not broken house. The door was already unlocked. Tom also said that nobody would take objection on taking shelter from storm.

3. Read the extract and convert it into dialogue between........

या प्रकारच्या composition मध्ये दिलेल्या दोन  पात्रांमध्ये संवाद तयार करायचा असतो . दिलेल्या उताऱ्यात त्या दोन  व्यक्ती मध्ये  काहीसा संवाद असतो त्याचा उपयोग करून उताऱ्यातील संदर्भ लक्षात घेवून तसेच कल्पनेचा वापर करून dialogue writing करावे .
Read the extract and write a short piece of dialogue between Charles and Oliver. 2  Marks

Frederick had a very famous wrestler, called Charles, in his court. He was champion of the country, and had fought many brave and strong young men. Now, Orlando was a fine wrestler, too, and decided to try his strength against Charles. Charles came to see Oliver about this, asking him to persuade Orlando to give up his idea.
‘I am a professional wrestler, sir,’ Charles explained to Oliver, 'and I must always fight to win, in order to keep my reputation. Anyone who fights me runs the risk of being badly hurt. Please warn your younger brother, and persuade him to change his mind.’
But the wicked Oliver thought this was a good opportunity to get rid of Orlando, so he told Charles all kinds of lies about the young man. He pretended that Orlando was bad and ungrateful, and deserved any punishment which Charles could give him. ‘I would rather you broke his neck than his finger,’ Oliver said, 'and you have my permission to do what you like with the boy.’
So Charles promised to do his best to kill Orlando.

Charles:Hey. Oliver, would you persuade Orlando to give up the idea of wrestling?
Oliver :Why do you warn?
Charles:I'm professional wrestler . And I must always fight to win.Anyone who fights me runs the risk of being badly hurt.
Oliver :But Orlando is ungrateful and deserve the punishment. I would rather you break his neck than finger.
Charles:You want me to hurt him.
Oliver : Yes, You have my permission to do what you like with the boy.
Charles:I promise you to do my best to kill Orlando.

4. Extend the extract by adding an imaginary paragraph of your own in about 120 words.

हा प्रश्न writing skill शी निगडीत आहेच तसेच कल्पना शक्तीला चालना  देणारा आहे. दिलेल्या वेळेत कल्पना करणे व त्यानुसार paragraph लिहिणे  अपेक्षित आहे. त्या उताऱ्यात जे घडले त्या नंतर काय घडेल याचा विचार करून composition तयार करावें . 
Read the following extract and extend it by adding an imaginary paragraph of your own in about 120 words.

Extract from "The Girl With An Apple"   'A couple of days later,................................................ I heard her say faintly,"I'll see you tomorrow."

Saturday 31 October 2015


  1.  Writing Skill
  4. TRANSFORMATION: Affirmative –Negative
  7. Change Passive Voice Into Active Voice
  8. Grammar Worksheet Std 11 MS Board
  9. Use of Not Only ..But Also
  10. Grammar Worksheet std 12
  11. Direct Speech And Indirect Speech
  12. Synthesis
  13. Add a question tag.
  14.  Parts Of Speech शब्दाच्या जाती
  15. Unless, If...not
  16. Use of "Neither---nor"
  17. Relative Clause
  18. Use Of "TOO" And "Enough"
  19. Do as Directed
  20. Nouns And Their Adjectives
  21. Clauses
  22. Sentence and And Types of Sentence
  23. UNIT TEST Class XII
  24. Degrees of Comparison
  25. प्रश्नांचि उत्तरे कशी लिहावी
  26. Assertive And Exclamatory Sentences
  27. Three Forms of Verbs
  28. Adverb Clause Of Time
  29. Why Grammar
  30. Question Paper STD XI English M S Board
  31. Rhetorical Questions
  32. Modal Auxiliary
  33. Simple Complex and Compound
  34. Structure and Uses Of Tense
  35. Teaching Approaches , Methods and Techniques
  36. Let's learn Articles: 
  37. Communication Skill Worksheet 
  38. Sample Paper STD. 12 English
  39. Appeal Writing
  40. Note Making
  41. View and Counter-view
  42. Speech Writing
  43. Do as directed: Class 10
  44. Active Voice And Passive Voice
  45. Rewrite in the ways instructed
  46. Begin-with
  47. HSC 2015 grammar questions
  48. STD 12 :Rapid Reading Based Dialogue Writing.
  49. Do as directed STD 11
  50. News Writing
  51. Subject Verb Agreement
  52. Grammar-hsc-2017
  53. Do as directed-grade 11
  54. Holiday-homework
  55. Activity Sheet No 1

Information Transfer : Note Making

Information Transfer : Tree Diagram

Features of Good Notes

Notes are brief. The relevant details or facts are included. All illustrations, descriptions, explanations,examples,repetition are left out.
Full sentences are not used. Key words or broken sentences are used.Abbreviation can be used.

Notes are presented in tabular form, tree diagram and point form. As an examination point of view, Students need to read an extract and make notes or complete notes in the suitable format.

Scheme of Marking:
Presentation 1
Proper sequence 1
Covering all points 2
Read the following extract and complete the table diagram
What is soil? The original materials from which it has been formed through long ages are the earth's crust. There are three kinds of rocks, made in three different ways. Igneous rocks were made when the molten material of which the earth consisted long ago become cooler and solidified; granite, a very hard rock, is one of these. Another kind of rock is sedimentary rock, formed when rivers brought down small pieces of material with them as they flowed into the sea. The matter which they brought down with them fell to the bottoms of the sea, and this sediment was slowly pressed and cemented together by other substances into rock. Then the crust of the earth moved; the bottoms of the seas were raised, and when they reached a sufficient height become dry land. Sedimentary rocks found in all kinds of places, even on high mountains. Shale, limestone, and chalk are sedimentary rocks.
The third kind of rock is metaphoric, a rock which has been made by change due to heat. This was formed, for instance, when the lava thrown out by volcanoes affected the material over which it flowed. The heat changed the surface underneath and produced different kinds of rocks, of which slate and marble are two.

Types of Rocks Made in the ways Examples

Types of Rocks Made in the ways Examples
1. Igneous Rocksmolten material become cooler and solidifiedgranite
2. Sedimentary Rocksrivers brought down small pieces of material bottoms of the sea, and this sediment was slowly pressed and cemented together by other substances into rock.Shale, limestone, and chalk
3. Metaphoric Rocksmade by change due to heat, when the lava thrown out by volcanoes affected the material over which it flowed. slate, marble

The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) which is located at Trombay in Mumbai,
was the brainchild of Dr. Homi Bhabha, the father of India’s nuclear programme. Dr. Bhabha
took a personal interest in designing the centre because he felt that with an indigenous
nuclear programme India would become a powerful nation. This centre, which was started
on January 3, 1954, was originally called the Atomic Energy Establishment. It was renamed
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre on January 12, 1966 after Dr. Bhabha’s death.
Over the years, BARC has done work in different scientific disciplines, including
medicine and agriculture. BARC has played a major role in increasing the share of the
nuclear power programme for generating electricity and lighting up the rural areas of
the country. BARC is, however, chiefly known for successfully conducting the Pokhran
tests both in May 1974 and May 1998.


Location Trombay, Mumbai
NamesOriginally named ‘Atomic Energy Establishment’
renamed Bhabha Atomic Research Centre on 12
January 1966
Date of establishment3 January 1954
Works DoneIn different scientific disciplines including
medicine, agriculture;
chief work in nuclear power for generating
electricity, lighting up rural areas of the country;
chiefly known for conducting the Pokhran tests,
May 1974 and May 1998.

News Writing

Read the following passage and complete the tree diagram  :

1.There are many different kinds of musical instruments. They are divided
into three main classes according to the way that they are played. Some instruments
are played by blowing air into them. These are called wind instruments. Some of
these are said to be of the woodwind family. Examples of woodwind instruments
are the flute, the clarinet and the horn. There are also various other wind
instruments such as the mouth-organ and the bagpipes. Some instruments are
played by banging or striking them. Instruments like this are called percussion
instruments. The last big group of musical instruments have strings. There are
two kinds of stringed instruments. Examples are the harp and the guitar, the violin
and the cello.

2. Draw a tree diagram that contains the main points and important supporting
details from the following text about flowering plants.

Flowering plants are of various types. Herbaceous flowering plants grow, set seed
and die within one year; biennial plant complete their life cycles in two years;
Perennials on the other hand, can live and grow for many years once they have been
planted. Plants that flourish and flower during the rainy season are mostly herbaceous
annuals such as the Aster, Zinnia, and Sweet pea. Of the herbaceous perennials the most
common are members of the Daisy family. The beautifully scented Rose and Jasmine
are both Woody and Semi-Woody perennials. There are two other types of plants;
bulbous plants and aquatic plants. The former grow from bulbs and tubers planted in the
ground; examples of this type are Gladiolus and Tulip. The latter, as their name
suggests, grow in water, the most exquisite example being the Lotus or Water Lily. Both
bulbous and aquatic plants are usually perennials.


Format of Tree Diagram

Que-1 - Draw a table diagram to represent the information given in the following passage.

There are many different kinds of musical instruments. They are divided into three main classes according to the way that they are played. For example, some instruments are played by blowing air into them. These are called wind instruments. In some of these the air is made to vibrate inside a wooden tube, and these are said to be of the woodwind family. Examples of woodwind instruments are the flute, the clarinet and the bassoon. Other instruments are made of brass, the trumpet and the horn, for example. There are also various other wind instruments like such as the mouth organ and the bagpipes.
Some instruments are played by banging or striking them. One obvious example is the drum, of which there are various kinds. Instruments like this are called percussion instruments.
The last big group of musical instruments are the ones which have strings. There are two main kinds of stringed instrument those in which the music is made by plucking the strings, and those where the player draws a bow across the strings. Examples of the former are the harp and the guitar. Examples of the latter are the violin and the cello.

Sr. Musical Instrument Played as Examples

Que 2 Draw a tree diagram of your family starting with your a grandparents up to your generation.

Que. 3 Read the following passage and make a note of it in form of a tree diagram.

The term 'cancer', derived from Latin term `cancrum', means crab. Cancer is lawless growth without control. This disorder threatens a person's life. There are four groups of cancer. They are carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas and lukermias. About 85% of cancers are Carcinomas which include cervical, breast, tongue, stomach, skin and,brain cancers. Sarcomas constitute only about 3% ofhuman cancer, which are in the form of solid tumors growing from connective tissue, cartilage, bone and muscle. Lymphomas are the cancers in which there is excessive production of Lymphomas and the lymph nodes and spleen. (5%of human cancers.) Lukermias include cancerous growth of lenncocytes and are characterised by excessive production of cells. They constitute 7% of human cancers.

Que 4 Read the following passage and make a note of important points shown at the end of the passage.

Never, ever start any workout, even if it is just walking, without warming up first. And this is where most people try to take a shortcut. Warming up prepares your whole system for extra activity ahead. Ina resting state, muscles are short and somewhat stiff. Making sudden demands on them can muse a pulled muscles or a strained back. Warming up stretches muscles and loosens joints, so your body performs with better flexibility and speed. It gradually increases blood supply to the heart and makes the lungs ready to operate at full capacity, reducing the risk of sudden strain
What counts as a good warm up? No mater what your main exercise is, experts insist that you take two or three minutes to loosen up, rotating the joints and gently stretching muscles. Start the sport or workout in lower gear, using the same movements that you expect of use later Build up for a few minute still you are breathing slightly faster and perspiring lightly. At this point, you are warmed up.

Before warm up :
Effects of warm up
Examples of warm up :
Warmed up stage :
benefits of warm up :

Que 5 Make a summary of the passage highlighting Rabindranath Tagore's views on education.

Rabindranath took great pains to gather round him as teachers a group of young men who really understood what he was trying to do in his school and who would know how to teach children literature, or science, or history in a way which made these subjects alive and interesting. He knew by his own experience that all knowledge about the world we live in, and about the men who live in it is interesting to children, if only it is taught to them in the right way. A boy puts tremendous energy and enthusiasm into his play and hobbies, because he is working at something in which he is deeply interested and which he has chosen for himself. Rabindranath wanted to remove all false distinctions between work and pay and encourage the boys to put the some energy and enjoyment into all the activities -of their life
Que 6 Read the passage and draw a tree diagram showing the classification.
Science is a systematized body of knowledge which collects facts, analyses them and establishes a causal relationship of a particular phenomenon. Science can be divided in to natural and social sciences. Natural science is mainly concerned with the physical world. It includes both physical and biological science physical and biological sciences. Physical sciences consist of physics, chemistry geography, etc., and deal with inanimate or non-living things. Biological science includes biology, zoology, physiology, etc., and deals with the living beings or organism. In natural sciences experiments can be conducted under controlled conditions to frame out the causal relationship between different factors or elements to establish a principle or law. Under social sciences we study subject like economics, sociology, History, philosophy, etc. Social science study Interaction of persons with society. It deals with questions concerning social life A person's behaviour in society, that is his social life cannot be experimented under controlled conditions. Therefore, there cannot be exact, precise laws or principles is social science.

Que 7 Given below is a table showing the result of a study on the ways to improve English. Write a paragraph depicting the information.

How to Improve your English

Story book (75%), 
Newspapers (60%)
Listening : TV news (60%), 
Conversation (in publics places) (40%)
conversation classes (25%)
Speaking : With superiors (in the office) at meeting (10%)
with friends (at home, in clubs or restaurants) (20%) 

Writing Official (memos, emails, faxes)20%
Informal (Letters, e-mails to friends) 30%
Que 8. Prepare a leaflet for making the Public aware of the need of `Eye Donation'. Make use of the following ponts.
1) Prepare an attractive slogan.
2) Make a persuasive appeal
3) Tell about the need of eye-donation
4) Add your own ideas

Friday 23 October 2015

View And Counter-view


View and counter view is like a debate. As every coin has two sides, many social, economical, educational, political issues have views and counterviews. As in debate , participants cut the points of his earlier  counterparts and bring his point home, while preparing counterview in the exam students have cut the points given in the paper and write his side . In short counterview means an opposite or opposing view.

Scheme of Marking

Presentation                                                      1
Appropriate counter-view argument                2
Language, style, grammar                                1
Total                                                                 4

Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the counter-view section on the following topic in about 120 words:

         You can take the help of the following points from the View Section

             "Ambition breeds ruin"

1)Ambition gives rise to jealousy, greed, hatred.
 2)Ambition overrides humane feelings-success at whatever cost.  
 3)Ambition has no room for family, service for others, charity, love, compassion.

 4)Ambition brings with it loss of peace, restfulness and contentment

Low Ambition Is A Crime

Ambition works as a stimuli. It gives direction to work on.Thinking that it spreads jealousy and hatred is just a negative mindset. Ambitious person strives hard to achieve his goal. Failure is a stepping stone not a slippery one. Keeping ambition high is human. It does not override any feeling for cheap goal. The true ambitious person knows his positive approach. Such persons will fulfill ambition with strenuous efforts without hurting others rights. It is absurd to think that ambition has no place for family,service, charity,love and compassion. In fact ambition is perceived because of love for family and service and charity for nation. Ambitious person finds peace and contentment in striving to achieve goal. So who says ambition breeds ruin? It brings crown.

< dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">

Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the counter-view section on the following topic in about 120 words:

Study says homework does not help students score better grades
View Section
"Homework Still a Key Part of Education"
  1. It engages the child with his study more effectively.
  2. It engages the child with what is going on in the class.
  3. Homework inculcates students with life skills.

View section  मध्ये  दिलेल्या मुद्यांच्या विरोधी बाजूने counter-View  साठी paragraph तयार करावा .


Homework should be abolished

School is stressing out our youngsters, as evidenced in the high number of school students committing suicide.
We should, therefore, be committed to removing stress from the school system. A primary contributor to stress is the oppressive burden of daily homework given to the student. Wrestling with piles of homework parent and kids alike are exhausted. The truth is that much of the take-home assignments are needless.
After long-drawn school hours, kids return home and immediately get down to tackling the day's homework.
Where is the time to relax and do other extra-curricular activities? Little wonder that kids, these days,
appear highly-strung and reluctant to go to school. School-related stomach aches, headaches, sleep problems and depression are on the rise. The constant pressure of moving from one deadline to another leaves them perpetually harassed. Parents too have a hard time, often doing a major part of the homework to help out the child. Is homework necessary to get good grades? There's no foundation for this belief. The fear and pressure of homework exhaust students, killing their curiosity and most importantly their keenness and desire to learn. In many countries like the US, Denmark and Japan, schools have cut down on or entirely eliminated homework, since it contributes nothing to learning or creativity.

At home the debate over homework is yet to have an impact. Even though there's been discussion around inordinately heavy school bags which burden children, directly linked to the issue of homework.

2. Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the Counter-View Section on the following topic in about 120 words.

“Demonetization: a trap to catch a lion or mouse?”

You can take the help of the following points from the View Section

  1. Demonetization helps the government to track people who are having large sums of unaccounted cash
  2. Black money, illegal activities like terrorism funding, gambling, and also inflating will get reduced
  3.  Government gets a good amount of tax revenue which can be used by the government towards the betterment of society by providing good infrastructure

The biggest disadvantage of demonetization is that for few days there is chaos and frenzy among public. Everybody wants to get rid of demonetized notes as soon as possible. Sometimes it leads to law and order problem and chaotic situation especially in banks.  Because this is the only medium to change the old currency units to new currency units. Another disadvantage is that destruction of old currency units and printing of new currency new units involves costs. It has to be borne by the government and if the costs are higher than benefits then there is no use of demonetization. Another problem is that majority of times this move is targeted towards black money but if people have not kept cash as their black money and rotated or used that money in other asset classes like real estate, gold and so on then there is no guarantee that demonetization will help in catching corrupt people.

3.Counterview on the topic ‘should there be a law to force children to look after their old parents?                                                                            
                                                                                                                                                               The care and worry for the parents should be heartfelt. The law will compel the children to keep parents at the home but not at heart. No court can make children feel worried about their parent. Law helps those who make complaint. Would parents take legal action against children? They would prefer to suffer. Values are not taught, these are to be caught . Elderly people should be well protected and given the due care . It is the responsibility of the children . If any youth does not bother to look after his parents, instead of punishing that youth , his parents should be given helping hand by govt. or NGO. the government should open old age security home.Enforced help will do no better job. 

Click for More Counter-viewIf Exam Goes Online : Counterview

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Activities Std 12 EnglishPolite Words Are Nothing But Hypocrisy : Counterview

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